Hernia Repair

Hernia Repair


A hernia is a bulge or swelling  in groin due to weakness in abdominal muscle layers. Hernia forms  a small balloon-like sac. This can allow a loop of intestine or abdominal tissue to push into the sac. Usually hernia is Painless .

  • Both Sexes can get a hernia.
  • One  may be born with a hernia (congenital) or develop  over time(acquired).
  • It  does not get better over time, nor will it go away by itself.
  • The only treatment available is surgery.

Symptoms of Hernia-

A bulge or swelling under the skin,which  becomes obvious on standing and coughing.
It usually disappear on lying down.
Usually Hernia is Painless. But one May feel pain when  lifting  heavy objects, coughing, straining during urination or bowel movements or during prolonged standing or sitting.

Severe, continuous pain, redness and tenderness are signs that the hernia may be obustructed. These symptoms are suggestive of emergency and requires immediate  surgery.

How HERNIA develops?

The wall of the abdomen has natural areas of potential weakness. Hernias can develop at these or other areas due to heavy strain on the abdominal wall, aging, injury, an old incision or a weakness present from birth.

Anyone can get a hernia at any age. Most hernias in children are congenital means present since birth .
In adults, a natural weakness or strain from heavy lifting, persistent coughing, and difficulty with bowel movements or urination can cause the abdominal wall to weaken or separate & leads to acquired variety of hernia.

WHAT is  THE TREATMENT of hernia?

  • Surgery is the only tratment available for Hernia.
  • Surgery  done in one of two fashions.
  • The first, open or traditional approach, is done from the outside through an incision in the groin or the area of the hernia.  The surgeon may choose to use a small piece of surgical mesh to repair the defect or hole.
  • The second approach is a laparoscopic hernia repair. The hernia is repaired from behind the abdominal wall. A  surgical mesh  is fixed over the hernia defect and held in place with  surgical staples.
  • This technique may allow the patient to enjoy a shorter recovery time and experience less post-operative discomfort.
  • Truss should never be prescribed as it is usually ineffective.


  • Any operation may be associated with complications.
  • The primary complications of any operation are bleeding and infection, which are uncommon with laparoscopic hernia repair.
  • There is a slight risk of injury to the urinary bladder, the intestines, blood vessels, nerves or the sperm tube going to the testicle.
  • Difficulty urinating after surgery is not usual and may require a temporary tube into the urinary bladder.
  • Very less chances of recurrance .


  • You should refrain from eating or drinking after midnight on the night before or the morning of the operation.
  • You should shower the night before or the morning of the operation.
  • Shaving of area done before surgery.
  • Some preoperative testing may be required depending on your medical condition and the type of anesthesia needed for your operation.
  • If you take aspirin, blood thinners or arthritis medication you need to discuss with your surgeon the proper timing of discontinuing these medications before your operation.


  • Following the operation, you will be transferred to the recovery room where you will be monitored carefully until you are fully awake.
  • Once you are awake and able to walk, you will be shifted to ward.
  • You are encouraged to be up and about the day after surgery.
  • You are allowed liquids in the evening.
  • With laparoscopic hernia repair, you will probably be able to get back to your normal activities within a short amount of time. These activities include showering, driving, walking up stairs, lifting, work and sexual intercourse.